Better data, better treatment decisions

Empowering patient Data

aiHEALTH empowers patients and their providers with the evidence they need when, where, and how they need it to make the best possible treatment decisions in order to achieve the best possible treatment outcomes.

About Us

Better Data. Better Business. Better Care.

aiHEALTH is a dynamic tool that captures Patient Reported Outcome Measures (PROMS), allowing physicians access to patient data at the point of care, informing clinical decision making and creating actionable data points for patients, providers and other healthcare stakeholders to improve outcomes.

OUR Mission

To empower patients and their providers with the evidence they need when, where, and how they need it to make the best possible treatment decisions in order to achieve the best possible outcomes.

the PRoduct

aiHEALTH is a digital platform that captures comprehensive PROMS data, allowing both patient and provider to track patient outcomes over time.

The Data

Data is collected via tablet at point of care on which patients respond to a series of questions about their symptoms and treatment options.


Clinically relevant patient classification

Clinically relevant and higher resolution patient classification leads to more valuable insights, more precise management, and better results. Whether assessing performance based upon historical data or identifying opportunities to improve care before treatments have been initiated, outcomes for large populations defined by diagnostic groups and procedure categories provide limited insight.

For Providers

Personalized Medicine in Real-time

Providers can easily create personalized treatment plans from individual patient factors and identify worrisome medical and psychosocial conditions.

With this approach to personalize medicine, providers can quickly and easily suggest the most appropriate intervention (based upon symptom severity, individual risk factors, anticipated benefit based upon baseline status) to achieve the best possible outcome.

For Patients

Increased Patient Engagement

See an increase in patient engagement as patients are able to see how their health choices will impact their treatment outcome as well as their individual risks.

With data and analytics built to support personalize medicine, patients can easily understand what results they can expect give their specific circumstances, giving them more clarity and confidence in the process.

For Administrators

Optimize the Value of Healthcare

aiHEALTH allows administrators to optimize the value of their healthcare services through with easy and accessible management tools.

Access episode of care and chronic disease management, forecast administrative outcomes for larger patient populations, and view comparative effectiveness research all from an easy-to-use dashboard.


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